Mr. Ketan Bhavsar

Assistant Professor, Electrical Engineering, SET


Mr. Ketan Bhavsar joined Navrachana University in May 2012 as an Assistant Professor.


  • Masters of Technology from Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel National Institute of Technology, SuratHis thesis is titled “Speed Control of Three Phase Induction motor using SPACE VECTOR PULSEWIDTH MODULATION by Digital signal controller”.
  • Bachelors from Veer Narmad South Gujarat University, Surat

Scholarship and Accomplishments

Ketan Bhavsar is currently doing his work on Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation, with help of Digital signal controller to control voltage and frequency of supply to induction motor. He is also working on design of inductor use in boost converter to get pure DC Supply.

Mr. Ketan teaches to Engineering undergraduates. He also teaches Power Electronics Drives and Circuit Theory to B.Tech Electrical and Electronics Branch students. He exposes students to electronics fundamentals and has chosen teaching to as a way to conduct research in education. Recipient of the “Best Instructor” Award also “Best Service to School of Science and Engineering” Award at Navrachana University, he is greatly enthused by the teaching-learning process and is highly inspired by work of students of Navrachana University.


  1. Attended TEQUIP-II Sponsored Short Term Training Program on “IMPLEMENTATION OF POWER ELECTRONICS SYSTEMS” during 7th -11th December 2015 at Electrical Engineering Department, Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology (SVNIT),Surat.
  2. Participated in State Level Faculty Development program on “e-Content Development for Higher Education” at Shree Ramkrishna Institute of Computer Education & Applied Sciences, Surat on 22nd August, 2015.
  3. Participated in TEQUIP Sponsored short term training program “Quality Engineering and Management” Five days , Vallabh Vidhyanagar.